Sunday, December 9, 2007

Lyon, 8th December.

Today, I want to talk about my hometown Lyon in France. Since 1643 every 8th of December people place candles in colors glass outside of the windows to celebrate Virgin Mary. The town promised to pay tribute to Mary if the city was spared of the plague.
A few years ago Lyon decide to make a big event and during 4 days (6-10 December) they allowed some artists to light up the city.( more photos to
Lyon is also the capital of gastronomie in France with a great ambassador Paul Bocuse ( Mr Paul is like the pope there). A "bouchon" is a typical restaurant from Lyon, this name derives from the 16th century expression for a bunch of twisted straw.A representation of such bundles began to appear on sign to indicate restaurant ( where in a same time your horse was cleaned by this bundles) and by extension the restaurant themselves become known as Bouchons.
Quote of the day: " If you eat in a Bouchon , make sure you are in Lyon" Furiouschef poet from the kitchen.


waliz said...

to visit a 'bouchon' already included in my wish list...but the problem is who's gonna take me there??? hmmmm...

Valerie Chong said...

French....... fries! Ok that was totally random but did u and zenchef pack ur bags to invade NY from France together? You French private chefs are everywhere! come cook for me already! :)

furiouschef said...
